When someone visits our website we collect standard internet log information. We do this to understand the number of visitors to the various parts of the site, and we collect this information in a way which does not personally identify anyone.
We no longer use Google Analytics on this website, or any other third party tracking software. We do not have any links to social media or include any third party advertising content.
If you decide to contact us using our online contact form, email, telephone, or post, then the contact details you provide will be used only for the purpose of responding to your enquiry. We will not pass on your contact details to anyone else, unless you enquire about a customised version of the Carbon Footprint calculator, in which case we may pass your enquiry on to Carbon Footprint Ltd.
If you become a client of RADsite Ltd, we will provide you with a copy of our full GDPR policy. Clients can access this policy by logging in to RADmin (our secure client administration area).
This website only uses cookies where absolutely necessary to provide secure functionality. We only use session cookies, which are deleted from your computer when you close your browser.
The contact form uses a session cookie with a name that starts with .AspNetCore.Antiforgery. If you decide to block cookies, the online contact form will not work, but you can contact us through other means.
The RADmin client adminstration area uses session cookies called .ASPXAUTH and RADminSession. Clients will not be able to log in if these cookies are blocked.